We are one of the few non-public universities in the country that provide education in such an innovative way in so many disciplines:
- Pedagogy,
- Psychology,
- Social Communication and Media Learning,
- IT,
- Safety Science,
- Political Science and Administration,
- Management and Quality Science.
Our graduates are professional educators, psychologists, social workers, therapists, and teachers. Still, that is not all!

At DSW University of Lower Silesia, we also educate:
- journalists, publishers, bloggers, press spokespeople, image creators,
- game and animation developers,
- marketing, security and administration specialists in public institutions and the business sector,
- experts in diplomacy and international relations,
- professional employees of uniformed and civil services and units responsible for security,
- RES (renewable energy sources) managers,
- land surveyors and specialists in designing and independently creating spatial plans and maps.
Our offer is exceptionally extensive, and the possibilities for developing the specializations we teach are practically unlimited.

And there is more
As a student, you can freely use the photo studio, , computer graphics studio, the resources of Galerii 55 and Galerii 47, the auditorium with audiovisual equipment and other facilities designed to carry out exhibitions, theatrical activities, demonstrations, performative activities, and audiovisual projects.
As part of the internship, you can participate in the endeavours of various artistic, cultural and educational institutions. Moreover, you can also support and co-create artistic, cultural and social projects and ventures.

We have one of the largest libraries among non-public universities in Poland. During studies, you can use more than 95,000 volumes: – books, textbooks, coursebooks, and periodicals. OAdditionally, we offer access to multimedia and electronic document collections and licensed databases.
Access to the library’s book collection is open, so readers can independently search for the information they need. If you have internet access, you can browse the library catalogue and e-sources from anywhere, anytime.
On-site, you can use computer stations, a self-service photocopier, a reading room, a loud study room, and professors’ cubicles
In addition to compiling and cataloging collections, we conduct library training sessions and student internships, host school groups and engage in activities promoting knowledge, learning, and reading. We remain open for our students on weekends as well.
At our library, we care for people with special needs and offer various amenities dedicated especially to them. One of the aids we give to their disposal is a TOPAZ text magnifier, equipped with a standard definition autofocus camera, focus lock (freeze image) function and a wide range of magnification for the visually impaired.

University publishing house
We have had our own publishing house running since 2004. Following the principles of COPE publishing ethics, we have published almost 200, titles, including distinguished and awarded doctoral dissertations.
We have been publishing four periodicals: Teraźtujość-Człowiek-Edukacja, Forum Oświatowe, Studia Poradoznawcze, and The Yearbook of International Security; awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and available in the Open Access current. We have collaborated with authors from all over the world. At our premises, we have been coordinating internships for people who want to learn about the aspects of working in a publishing house.
Tutoring: an innovative system of student care
The tutoring program covers all students of DSW University. Still, we take special care of first-year students in undergraduate and graduate studies. As a student, you can count on the help of a tutor throughout your studies.
The tutor’s tasks include supporting students’ comprehensive development, encouraging them in a new environment, helping with demanding tasks and inspiring them to take up new challenges and find prudent solutions, beneficial and accepted by the students.
Tutoring at DSW University merges work on developing learning skills with general knowledge about the functioning of a tertiary education institution.
International Academic Exchange Office
As part of student and employee exchange projects of the Erasmus + European Union program, we have been cooperating with over 100 prestigious academic centers, as well as with many business institutions located in 24 European Union countries, as well as in Norway, Turkey, Iceland, North Macedonia, and Serbia.
As part of the program, the students of DSW University have successfully implemented international study programs at European universities; they also have the opportunity to acquire professional competences in an international environment by completing internships in European enterprises. Our partner universities include:
• Freie Universität Berlin,
• The University of Tartu,
• The University of Bergen,
• Universidad De Sevilla,
• The University of Zagreb,
• Masaryk University,
• Roskilde University,
• The University of Utrecht,
• Universita Degli Studi Di Genova,
• Technische Universität Dresden,
• The University of Antwerp.
Every year, we invite students of all cycles and types of studies, as well as graduates of our University, to participate in the recruitment of international students for studies and internships. The Erasmus + program also enables the implementation of professional graduate internships.
So far, nearly 300 students and graduates of DSW University have participated in the program, and it has been an adventure of their lives for them.