About us

DSW University of Lower Silesia is one of the most important academic centers in Wrocław and the entire Lower Silesia region. Every year, we educate over 9,000 undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate STUDENTS.


Since commencing the University, our faculty have been implementing a visionary plan to create a free and democratic school. The Students have been crucial and very engaged participants in this process. They actively influence the shape of the academic community. While studying, they fulfill their aspirations and passions and develop talents.


We’ve been NUMBER 1 for years!

In the “Perspektywy” ranking, we’ve been THE TOP UNIVERSITY in the region for years.
We’ve been the best among non-public universities for 18 years.


Through the Erasmus+ program, DSW University cooperates with universities from all over Europe and the world through over 100 partnership agreements! This allows our students to study abroad for 1 or 2 semesters during their bachelor's, master's, or doctoral studies.


For us,

Erasmus+ is not only about education but also about life experience


Thanks to successful partnerships, our students and staff can experience equal opportunities, inclusion, diversity, and fairness across all Erasmus+ actions.


  VIRTUAL WALK  around the campus  


Study at DSW University of Lower Silesia for International Students <<<<< YouTube Movie



Erasmus+ code: PLWROCLAW14
PIC: 949122109
OID: E10073040


Wrocław: the meeting place and the capital of the Lower Silesia region. This is where you can spend a few months of your Erasmus experience if you choose us as your mobility destination 😊

A city full of tradition, Wrocław has a unique atmosphere that’s perfect for international and intercultural projects and events.

Throughout the year, the city hosts many recurring events like: the Day of Kindness, Jazz on the Oder, Actor’s Song Review, Night of Museums, Shanties in Wrocław, the KAN Festival of Amateur and Independent Cinema, Wratislavia Cantans, Guinness Guitar Weekend, Brave Festival, International Street Artists’ Festival, the New Horizons International Film Festival and mooore!

Wrocław also hosts Juwenalia, a student festival organized by almost every university in town.

Additionally, Wrocław is the host of many sports events and is a city that’s very friendly to athletes – with modern facilities, bike paths, bike and water equipment rentals, and outdoor gyms, living here is truly a pleasure!



We provide one system of receiving nominations from our partners witch helps us to keep register in order . We appreaciate if you could fill in the MS forms.   


For nominations please fill out >>  Nominations FORM  2025/2026 < < Thank You! 


We will contact our nomenees with the acceptance letter and further steps of the admission process. 




FALL  semester  :  NOMINATIONS  to 15.05   / APLICATIONS  to 31.05   


SPRING semester  : NOMINATIONS  to 15.11 / APLICATIONS  to 30.11 


more useful information for students and coordinators  : FACT SHEET_ULS 2025_26 



  • The 1st (fall) semester lasts from 1st October  till  31st January 
  • Orientation day on 29th of September 2025
  • Invitation period 29-09-2025 - 31-01.2026 
  • Extention of the study: deadline for the confirmation from your home university is: 15th of December
  • The 2nd (spring) semester lasts from 20th February  till 13th June 
  • Orientation day on 19th of February 2026. 



Fall Semester 2025/2026 


Below  you can find two  lists of courses in English Language  and one a special hibrid programme in Polish Language. Please be informed that  You are allowed to take  courses only from one list. 


If you have any questions regarding courses or syllabuses please contact a coordinator.


New name

COURSES CATALOG  FALL semester 2024/2025

Field: Creative Media: Game Design. Animation, FVX 

Specialization: 3D Animation & Visual Effects 

English Language, Bachelor 


Creative Media: Game Design , Animation, VFX               
Erasmus 2025/2026               
Course name ECTS evaluation Fall Semester    
total lecture practical p/e  
Foreign Language / Intermediate (Spanish, German)  4 final grade 76   16 60 e-learning
Foreign Language / Beginer (Spanish, German) 4 final grade  84   24 60
Fundamentals of Games Engines   4 final grade 60   60    
VFX II 4 final grade  56   56    
Survival Polish (Language Course) 4 final grade 18   18    
Character Animation  3 final grade 30   30    
Particles and Physics  3 final grade 30   30    
Polish Digital Culture, Language and History II 3 final grade  60 30 30    
Cultural Aspects of Games and Animations  2 final grade 30   30    
Mechanisms and Vehicles Animation  2 final grade 30   30    
Matte Painting and 2,5d techniques  2 final grade 30   30    
PR and Portfolio Building  2 final grade 40 20 20    
Motion Capture Workshop 2 final grade 18   18    
Animatics 2 final grade  30   30    
Character Modelling 2 final grade  34   34    
Texturing, Mapping and Shading 2 final grade  34   34    
Rigging 2 final grade  34   34    
Physical Education I 0 final grade  30   30    
Total 47            


COURSES CATALOG  FALL semester 2024/2025

Field: Education , Social sciences, journalism and information, Business and Administration  

Specialization: Education and Contemporary Culture 

English Language, Bachelor 

Please be informed that the list contains proposed courses, but in case of an insufficient number of students interested, a course may be canceled.  

Education and Contemporary Culture             
Erasmus+ 2025/2026             
Course name ECTS evaluation Fall Semester  
total lecture practical p/e
Exploring Culture and Society in Transition: Gender, Sexuality, Ethnicity, and Disability in Poland 8 final grade 48 24 24  
Art, Social Action and the City  8 final grade 50   50  
Discord and Unity: Engaging the Contemporary World Through Ethics and Philosophy 8 final grade 48 24 24  
Critical thinking  5 final grade 30 10 20  
Ethics in Education  5 final grade 30 10 20  
Polish culture, society and history through film and literature 4 final grade 20   20  
Educational Innovations in a Digital Era 4 final grade 15   15  
Human Behavior in Crisis Situations 4 final grade 15   15  
Field reaserch seminar  4 final grade 30   30  
Education and diversity in (pre)schools 4 final grade 20   20  
Children's Literature as a Cultural Phenomenon 4 final grade 30 10 20  
Survival Polish 4 final grade 18   18  
Foreign Language III (German or Spanish) 4 final grade 76   16 60
Labor Law 3 final grade 32 16 16  
Business Plan 3 final grade 32 16 16  
Quality Management 2 final grade 24   24  
REVAS Business Game  2 final grade 24   24  
Small Business Management  2 final grade 26   26  
Career Management 1 final grade 16   16  
Total 79          




COURSES CATALOG  FALL semester 2024/2025

Field: Media Design and Visual Marketing 

Specialization: Branding and brand management  

Polish Language >> Tutor support in English,  Buddy from the group, projects and exams in English,  translation device renting, 

Media Design & Visual Marketing   Branding and brand management            
Erasmus+ 2025/2026            
Course name ECTS evaluation Fall Semester  
total lecture practical p/e
Basics of entrepreneurship 3 final grade  40 20 20  
Copyright and intellectual property law 2 final grade  26 26 0  
The art of persuasion 3 final grade  46 22 24  
Interpersonal and intercultural communication 2 final grade  36 16 20  
Fundamentals of sound design 3 final grade  36 16 20  
Public relations workshop 2 final grade  30   30  
Research design 2 final grade  40 16 24  
Foreign language I (English or German) 4 final grade  84   24 60
Corporate design and graphic brand communication 3 final grade  30   30  
Aesthetics and design 2 final grade  32 16 16  
Brand strategy 2 final grade  30   30  
Content Marketing & Storytelling 2 final grade  30   30  
Social Media Marketing 2 final grade  34 16 18  
Brand research 2 final grade  30   30  
Total 34          




How to apply?

What document do we need to get from you?

  • Application Form document; 
  • filled out English Language Proficiency Form with a signature and stamp of your home University;
  • copy of your valid passport;
  • your Transcript of Records in English (list of grades you've received so far at your home University);
  • a recent photo  as attached to the email  (for the Polish Student ID Card);
  • copy of your valid health insurance - please note that insurance must cover the whole period of your studies in Poland (f.e. European Health Insurance Card).

At the moment we take all documents via email, please check the address at the bottom.


After submitting all documents, you can start creating your Learning Agreement with your home university Erasmus+ coordinator ot consultant. We prefer to use Online Learning Agreement platform: 

https://www.learning-agreement.eu/ We find it efficient and user friendly, we hope for the same for you.


About sending documents: 
-  as separate files;
-  all in one email;

-  file names: full name_document type, example: John Doe_passport
-  in .pdf, only photo as .jpg.


DSW University do not provide its own accomodation or dormitory for students. We can suggest you some accomodation options and information we have. 
students should use the "DSW" promo code, which entitles them to 10% discount on the booking fee. The code must be used during the booking process.

ULS students should use the "DSW" promo code, which entitles them to 10% discount on the booking fee. The code must be used during the booking process.

more inforation> DSW& Pepe Housing .pdf

Pepe Housing

Adaptation and student's life

Orientation Day  

a first day of the mobility. Meeting which is a starting point at the University of Lower Silesia. Erasmus+ students are being equipped in essenial information  about DSW University , shedules,rights and obligations. 


Buddy Program
New situations can be a real challenge for international students . That is why we meet local syudents  with  Erasmus+ students . 

The Buddy Program meets new international students with studnets of DSW University, whom become a "buddy" for one or more international students. The goal of the Buddy Program is to give international students a good start to their studies and to contribute to cultural and linguistic exchange at the university. Why not help each other out and learn from each other?


Orietation Week  

DSW University organize a week of  many interesting evens like work shops, presentations,  exibitions, board games meetings and a party . 


Events for E+ students 

Each semester  we  organize trips, city tours around Wrocław and Poland. We gather for the international dinner, board games, teater arts, exibitions ect. 

Contact us

Where and to whom?
International Cooperation Department

DSW University of Lower Silesia in Wroclaw

Strzegomska 55


  • Ms Joanna Tatar |  Erasmus + Institutional Coordinator 

Incoming SMS, SMT, STA, STT  : erasmus@dsw.edu.pl 

partnerships / agreements/ dm : joanna.tatar@dsw.edu.pl ; +48 693 010 160 


  • Ms Karina Bogda |  Specialist in the International Cooperation Department 


Incoming SMS, SMT, STA, STT  : erasmus@dsw.edu.pl 

dm :  karina.bogda@dsw.edu.pl ; +48 539 670 462 



Strzegomska Street 55, room 407

Opening hours: 9 AM - 3 PM