Our University is one of the most important academic centers in Wrocław and the entire Lower Silesia region. For 17 years, we have been in the best places among non-public universities. In the Perspektywy ranking of 2022, we are Number One in Lower Silesia!
Our original, innovative educational programs, especially those in pedagogy, special education, journalism and social communication, have won national recognition and have been awarded many times, including competitions of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and an international institution, Forum on Education Abroad. The award honours academic teachers who prepare and implement innovative educational programs. It is the only award given to individuals or groups for quality in designing courses in international education outside the US.

We have accomplished even more
- Together, we have received over 50 awards and medals, including over 20 honours awarded by state authorities.
- In the competition Eduinspirtaor (the 2018 edition), the Director of the International Academic Exchange Office, Jadwiga Dobrowolska-Dyrcz took first place in the “Tertiary Education” category.
- The year 2019 was generous with accolades for our research workers as well. Dr. Barbara Muszyńska received the award from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for significant achievements in the field of scientific, educational, completion, organizational pursuits and lifetime achievements.
- Dr. Marcin Starnawski received the Łódź Scientific Society award for the best doctoral dissertation in social pedagogy.
- In 2019, during the Congress of the Polish Geopolitical Society, prof. dr hab. Piotr Mickiewicz received the award for scientific achievements in the field of geopolitics.
- As part of the evaluation of scientific activity, the Committee for the Evaluation of Scientific Units (KEJN) awarded our University with category B, which means that we have the right to conduct studies preparing for the teaching profession. We run teacher training in pedagogy and special education. In the field of preschool and early school education, we prepare tutors for preschool and early school education (grades 1-3 of primary school).
- We have taken part in over 60 research and development and implementation projects, including 14 international ones, from the funds including the National Science Center, the National Center for Research and Development, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and European Union programs, for a total amount of nearly PLN 45 million.
- Within the last several years, we have organized nearly 180 scientific conferences, including 48 international and 122 nationwide, and 233 scientific seminars, 151 of which are organized periodically. We have also organized over 30 editions of the International Summer Schools in cooperation with European and American universities, and we always have an appetite for more!
- We have international education programs accredited by American institutions with a total number of participants from all over the world exceeding 1000 people.
- Syracuse University has trusted us and annually sends students to Wrocław. They participate in the prestigious, interdisciplinary, international studies program Exploring Central Europe: History, Memory and Identity Across Borders.