The DSW University Press has been in operation since 2004. It is a university-wide organisational unit established by the Rector of DSW.
As part of its activities, it publishes scholarly books (monographs, publishing series, joint publications) and journals in the fields of humanities and social sciences, technical sciences and physical culture studies, the subject matter of which corresponds to the programmes of study and research carried out at the DSW University.
The DSW University Press has been entered on the Ministry of Science and Higher Education's list of publishing houses that release reviewed scholarly monographs (80 pts.). We operate in accordance with the guidelines of The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The quality of publications is ensured by reviewers and the Editorial Council. We are a member of the Polish Book Chamber jointly forming the Academic and Scientific Publishers Section.
Part of the DSW University Press's offer includes translations of works by recognised representatives of the world's humanities, published as part of the Library of Contemporary Social Thought (Biblioteka Współczesnej Myśli Społecznej) series. Several dozen items have been published so far, including works by Zygmunt Bauman, Ulrich Beck, Gilles Deleuze, Ernest Laclau, Chantal Mouffe, Jean-Luc Nancy, Martha C. Nussbaum, Peter Sloterdijk, Stephen E. Toulmin, Gianni Vattimo.
We also publish excellent works in the series: Dissertationes Paedagogicae (ed. dr hab. Paweł Rudnicki), Wittgenstein Series [Seria Wittgenstein] (ed. prof. dr hab. Piotr Dehnel), Pedagogy Plus [Pedagogika Plus] (ed. prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Zbigniew Kwieciński), Beyond the Cultural Obvious [Poza Kulturowa Oczywistością] (Council of the Robert Kwaśnica Scholarship Fund)

Our works include professorial and postdoctoral monographs, awarded doctoral theses and other scholarly works of researchers both from the DSW University and other research centres in Poland or abroad.

The publishing house also sells books. You can buy all publications online.. You can also download from our Bookstore.. You are welcome!
We publish four journals:
- „Educational Forum”
- „Yearbook of International Security”
- „Journal of Counsellogy”
- „INSTED: Intedrisciplinary Studies in Education & Society”.
All journals are published in an open-access model, which means that access to the full texts is open to all interested readers free of charge, without the need to log in. Access is determined by the licensing rules under which they are published. Unless otherwise specified, the published texts are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence.
Educational Forum
Educational Forum” (Forum Oświatowe) is a reviewed journal that publishes papers on pedagogy and related fields of humanities and social sciences. It is published as a biannual by the Polish Pedagogical Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Pedagogiczne) and the University of Lower Silesia.
It is currently entered in the Register of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (with a score of 40 points).
The journal was initially co-financed by the Polish Academy of Sciences. In the years 1989-2011, Prof. Zbigniew Kwieciński was the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Henryka Kwiatkowska was the Vice-Chair. From 2012 to 2019, edited by a team from the University of Lower Silesia, consisting of Bogusława Dorota Gołębniak (Editor-in-Chief), Hana Cervinkova (Deputy, International Affairs Editor), Ewa Stoecker (Editorial Secretary).
Authors of original texts in the form of theoretical studies, research papers, and reports from practice are invited to publish. The editors also accept book reviews and reports on important scientific events.
ISSN (online) 0867-0323
More about the journal
Yearbook of International Security
"Yearbook of International Security" (Rocznik Bezpieczeństwa Międzynarodowego) has been published since 2006, initially as a yearbook, now as a biannual. It was added to the List of Scored Journals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in 2008 and is currently included in the list of scholarly journals and reviewed materials from international conferences of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (with a score of 40 points). In 2018-2020, the journal was a beneficiary of the Scholarly Journals Support Programme.
The journal is one of the first, in Poland, initiatives aimed at de-mythologising the title issues. It features contributions from both Polish and foreign authors, from well-established academics to first-timers. It does not avoid debatable and controversial issues. It takes up issues that are important for our country at the moment, presents the experiences of other countries, and builds forecasts for the future.
The Academic Debuts section is under the special care of the Council and the Editor-in-Chief. It publishes valuable publications by students and doctoral students.
The journal is indexed in the BazHum reference database. Abstracts of published papers are available in the international database The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities.
ISSN 1896-8848
ISSN (online) 2450-3436
More about the journal
Journal of Counsellogy
"Studia Poradoznawcze/ Journal of Counsellogy" is a journal edited by the Scientific Counsellogy Society and published by the University of Lower Silesia in Wrocław. It was founded by Polish researchers interested in maintaining a high level of research on counselling and increasing the social relevance of its results.
It is currently listed in the register of scholarly journals and reviewed materials from international conferences of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (with a score of 40 points) and was a beneficiary of the Support for Scholarly Journals programme (2018-2020).
Researchers gathered in the Scientific Counsellogy Society, by inviting an international multidisciplinary group of authors, hope that counselling as a field of study will be enriched. They believe that knowledge about counselling cannot be limited to the description of real events, but also that the developed counselling theory cannot be a closed predetermined structure. They assume, therefore, that basic questions about counselling will receive multiple answers in the pages of the journal, and that new light will be shed on previously posed and still relevant questions/problems:
- what psychological and social processes are we referring to when we think of counselling?
- what facts, events and situations are involved? What values are achieved through it?
- what meanings do people give to counselling processes?
- what types, kinds and categories of counselling are there?
- what are the most important areas/territories of counselling today?
- what is the strength/effectiveness of its impact?
- what resources do counsellors have at their disposal and how can these resources be improved/enriched?
Abstracts of published papers are available in the international database The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities.
ISSN 2299-4971
ISSN (online) 2450-3444
More about the journal
INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society
The quarterly journal "INSTED: Intedrisciplinary Studies in Education & Society" (Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja) is the broadest possible platform for social thinking about education. The main task of the journal is to encourage dialogue between representatives of the social sciences who look at educational processes and teaching institutions from different disciplinary perspectives and different axiological orientations.
Education affects everyone because, as social beings, people are both learning and teaching beings. The social reality in which we have come to live and work has proved to be an unpredictable reality. Therefore, without abandoning the prospective thinking about education, we wish to focus our attention primarily on the present. The vague and unclear present, which has become our experience, requires interpretation and intellectual familiarisation. This is the task we assign to the authors and contributors of the quarterly.
It is indexed in databases: BazHum and CEJSH (The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities) and the international EBSCO database. It is currently listed in the register of scholarly journals and reviewed materials from international conferences of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (with a score of 40 points).
ISSN 1505-8808
ISSN (online) 2450-3428
More about the journal