Cooperation with research centres at home and abroad reflects the high scientific potential and activity of DSW University of Lower Silesia in Wrocław.

Fields of co-operation with the external environment
- Conducting research and development work and teaching, including in collaborative teaching, as part of projects carried out at the university, including: EDITE - European Doctorate in Teacher Education (Horizon 2020), EU_CUL - Exploring European Cultural Heritage for fostering academic teaching and social responsibility in Higher Education, EMPLOY - Enhancing the employability of non-traditional students in HE, EDUPRO - Promoting lifelong learning in HE through the implementation of innovative practices for the recognition of learning outcomes acquired outside formal education (Erasmus+: Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education), Wittgenstein and Democratic Politic (Harmonia 10), and TEACUP Project TeacherCulturePluri in the framework of Erasmus+
- exchanges of doctoral students and researchers
- organisation of scientific conferences of both national and international range
- cooperation with companies and business institutions, including, among others, the Business Centre Club and the Lower Silesian Employers' Association
- participation/co-organisation of the Lower Silesian Science Festival, which is a popular science event organised every year by Wrocław universities, institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences and non-academic circles. It is addressed to everyone interested in science, culture, art and interesting phenomena of the surrounding world.
- DSW University membership of international associations and organisations: European Public Relations Education & Research Association, International Network for Health Workforce Education, EuropeanAcces Network, European Society for Research on Education of Adult, European Association of Social Anthropologists, International Digital Media and Arts Association, Trans-Atlantic Consortium for European Union Studies&Stimulations, Alliance of Universities for Democracy
- co-operation with foreign universities