What are you going to learn by choosing this specialization?

  • Forms, standards and formats of online journalism.
  • Public relations tools on the web.
  • E-marketing technician.
  • Law and ethics in the digital age.
  • Tools for testing and measuring effects on the Internet.
  • Create and manage content in social media.
  • Building the brand of the place – territorial marketing in the network.
  • Creating the image of the organization in traditional and social media.
  • Building a personal brand (personal branding). 



Career opportunities for you:

  • agencies specializing in economic trendwatching,
  • departments collecting and analyzing data in corporations,
  • economic advisory agencies,
  • data departments in local governments and public entities,
  • CRM and analytical marketing management departments,
  • analytical departments in debt collection companies,
  • analytical departments supporting the sales process,
  • credit risk management in banks.  


What else should you know?

  • As a graduate of this major, you will be a comprehensively educated data specialist sought after on the labor market at home and abroad.  
  • You can work in many areas and sectors of activity, social, economic, business, governmental, local government, non-governmental (NGO's), science and education, non-profit organizations, corporations and international organizations.  
  • Also in analytical, consulting, ICT, insurance and banking companies.


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do 21 marca
czesne już od
503 zł
465 zł

Zapisując się do 21 marca, zyskujesz:
●    400 zł dzięki zniżce w czesnym, która rozliczana jest przez cały okres studiów, obniżając proporcjonalnie każdą kolejną opłatę czesnego,
●    dodatkowo zwolniony jesteś z opłaty wpisowej. 







Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 439 zł

Jeśli jesteś naszym absolwentem, zyskasz jeszcze więcej:
●    Twoja zniżka w czesnym wyniesie 900 zł i będzie rozliczana również przez cały okres studiów, obniżając proporcjonalnie każdą kolejną opłatę czesnego,
●    dodatkowo zwolniony jesteś z opłaty wpisowej.



Program studiów

Study programme:

  • Foresight and managing of the future.
  • Data mining techniques and web analytics.
  • Excel and Python programming workshop.
  • Design thinking.
  • Anatomy trend - trendwatching trendsetting.
Zobacz program studiów
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