To be eligible for Erasmus+ you should meet the following criteria:
- be a student of the first, second, third degree (bachelor's, engineering, master's, doctoral or uniform master's) of DSW University of Lower Silesia
- have completed the first year of study (as a first-year student, you can already participate in recruitment for the next academic year)
- obtain positive grades in all subjects from previous semesters

If you apply for a scholarship, you should:
- demonstrate adequate knowledge of a foreign language (minimum B2)
- be positively evaluated by the Recruitment Committee as a result of an interview and submission of the required documents
- convince us that you are the one we should give a chance to go.

As part of the Erasmus+ Program, students of the DSW University of Lower Silesia have the opportunity to pursue international studies at leading foreign universities.
Anyone interested in going to study abroad is welcome to contact the Office of International Academic Exchange, and below is the most important information related to preparing to study abroad.

Recruitment for studies under the Erasmus+ Programme
Recruitment for studies is always held at the beginning of the spring-summer semester of the academic year preceding the trip. In the case of vacancies - supplementary recruitment for the second semester of the academic year takes place at the beginning of the autumn-winter semester.
The stay on study abroad under Erasmus+ cannot exceed one academic year. A scholarship that began in the summer semester of one year cannot be continued in the winter semester of the following academic year.
The period of study abroad is recognized by the home department and does not extend your time of study at DSW University, provided that you complete the program of study (Learning Agreement for Studies) agreed upon prior to your departure, and complete any curriculum differences, which are determined by the DSW University home department.

Main recruitment 2022/2023
Documents to download
If you are leaving under the Erasmus+ Program, you will not pay any fees for studying at the partner university.
Your stipend for living expenses in the country of study abroad is covered by Erasmus+ funds. It is intended to cover the increased, not total, cost of living abroad. The amount of the scholarship depends on the country you are going to.
Amount of study grant for the academic year 2022/2023
The amount of scholarships for study abroad in the academic year 2022/2023
Monthly scholarship rates depending on the country:
- I group- 520 EUR
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden
Partner countries from region 14
- II group - 500 EUR
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Malta, Portugal, Spain.
Partner countries from region 5
- III group - 450 EUR
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Northern Macedonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Serbia , Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary
In addition, students and recent graduates with fewer opportunities (DSW University recipients of a social stipend; those with a disability certificate) are entitled to a stipend supplement of €250 per month.
Before going to university
Erasmus+ Program Agreement
Erasmus+ Learning Agreement for Studies
Each person going to study abroad under the Erasmus+ program is required to sign a financial agreement of the program with DSW University (at the Office of the University Erasmus+ Coordinator and no later than two weeks before the planned date of departure to the partner university).
A prerequisite for DSW University to sign a financial agreement with a student is to have a study program - Learning Agreement for Studies - approved and signed at the Erasmus+ recruitment stage (by oneself, the host university and the sending university - the home department of DSW University).
All expatriates are required to have insurance valid for the entire period of stay at the partner university (in the country of mobility):
- Personal accident insurance, covering at least damages caused by the grantee at the place of study,
- recommended by the University: liability insurance at the place of study, covering damage caused by the scholarship holder at the place of study,
- and mandatory medical-health insurance (e.g., a valid EHIC card - free confirmation of medical insurance).
Additional private medical insurance is recommended to scholarship recipients as useful in case of required medical treatment or in case they need to return to Poland for medical reasons.
Konto Bankowe
In order to sign a financial agreement, each Erasmus+ grantee should also submit to the Office of International Academic Exchange a bank data form with information on the foreign currency bank account (account currency: EUR) to which the program's grant will be transferred:
The Office of International Academic Exchange also recommends that all scholarship recipients register before their trip with the "Odyseusz" service run by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Online Linguistic Support
Online Linguistic Support is a tool of the European Commission aimed at surveying the level of growth of language competencies of Program Participants, as well as developing these competencies through the language courses offered.
Each student going abroad for part of their studies or professional practice is required to take two tests in one foreign language of their choice, as appropriate:
- "pre-departure" test
- "upon return" test (not applicable to those who have achieved C2 level after the first language test).
The student takes tests in the foreign language in which classes will be taught at the foreign university or in the official language of the host country. The result of the tests is the determination of the level (A1-C2) in the total assessment of the 5 components tested: grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening, key communicative phrases.
Foreign Study Settlement
Documents required in the process of clearance of study abroad
Within 14 days of the agreed return date, the Erasmus+ grantee should submit the following documents to the Office of International Academic Exchange:
the original Learning Agreement for Studies with accepted changes (applies to the paper version of the document)
original Transcript of Records/After the Mobility - a list of all grades and credits obtained, including ECTS
original Erasmus+
Confirmation Letter from the foreign university - a document containing the exact dates of arrival and departure from the foreign university
Copy of Course Conversion - a document prepared by the DSW University home department on the basis of the list of all grades and credits obtained, provided by the student
After submitting the above-mentioned documents, the Grantee is required to complete the Grantee's Report in the online formula, as well as to repeat the OLS language test.